Sunday, January 10, 2010

Starting the new Diet Tomorrow

So, Erin and I are going to tweak my diet for the next few weeks. Starting tomorrow, I'll be eating nothing but chicken/beer/steak, brown rice, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower and spinach primarily), eggs (I think) and a few other things. That's it. I won't be eating mayonnaise (which is a sandwich favorite), marinara sauce, salad dressing or any other substance with loads of sugar, fat or oil. I'll update this blog as we move fwd as well as load some progression pictures.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What I learned in '09.

I don't believe in resolutions. Maybe that's because I always break them. What I do believe in is learning. Isn't that what life is all about, anyway? Every year - every day - we learn things about ourselves and our environment that will change the way we think and relate to others. So, while I don't claim to know it all, here are a few things I learned - some of them the hard way - in 2009. 

1. Anxiety isn't something you have to live with. 

2. Having a big heart is both a blessing and a curse, but it's nothing to be ashamed of.

3. You can change relationships by loving people well. 

4. Life is too short to spend around negative people.


5. Having a broken horn does not calm the occasional bout of road rage.


6. You can't fix everyone's problems, no matter how hard you try. And sometimes, you really shouldn't try. And that's okay.

7. I learned the severity of eating disorders...and so much more about them than I could put in this post.

8. I learned that even the most perceptive can be naiive when it comes to those they love.


9. I am learning to "not sweat the small things" in my marriage. With a little luck, I'll have it down by our 50th anniversary.


10. I learned that it's okay to let go of some friendships. It's more important to focus on flourishing relationships than those doomed to die.


11. I learned that sharing blood doesn't necessarily mean "family" or "love."


12. I saw God do so many miracles around me in 2009. I was constantly reminded how BIG He is and how powerful prayer is.


13. I learned that nothing rivals the love of women (without children) and their pets. Nothing. Hence the term "fur child." 


14. I am learning to appreciate today for today, and that tomorrow will come in its own time.


15. I have learned to appreciate my age, not run from it. Perhaps I'll feel differently at 30.

16. I am learning to be confident in my self worth, and not let it depend on degrees, titles or involvements.


17. I have learned that God blessed me with a generous heart. But if it weren't for my husband's financial skills, I'd give all of our money away. We balance each other this way.


18. I learned that an apology can heal wounds you didn't even know you had. The ones that scabbed over in your heart so long ago..


19. I learned that a few gray hairs isn't the end of the world. 

20. I learned that there is nothing stronger than the love between two true *laotong.* 

21. I learned that I'm less conservative than I thought I was.

Monday, December 28, 2009

And now that Christmas is over....

Back after a week of being off work and practically off of life. Got a bit more sleep this last week, but for the most part kept busy with Christmas shopping and odds/ends around the house.

As for the L4L diet - the only days I really struggled were Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. With the treacherous traveling to Des Moines, it was difficult. The menus we've had have lasted, as I've repeated some of my favorite meals and staying well within my calorie intake. However, on the aforementioned days, I was eating like there was no tomorrow. Not only that, but the beers were consumed in the dozens. Just a bunch of crap that I didn't need, but enjoyed nonetheless.

New breakthrough on lifting: 6 reps of 200 lbs on the Shoulder Press machine. I really don't know what this means, considering it feels so much different than dumbells or straight bar of equal weight, but it is still a record for me. At the same time I did front raises with 35lb dumbells, which is also a record. 6-8 good reps here as well.

Definition is coming in more and more in my upper body. Weight has risen to about 174.1 lbs. Still, with a lack of cardio, I just don't see the fat coming off around my midsection at the rate I would like. Time to jack up the running just a bit!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Today was harder....

Breakfast was great - followed the L4L plan to a T. Mid morning snack was supposed to be an apple and yougurt. Unfortunately I had meetings all morning through lunch time. No snack. The worst part was that our dept hosted a Christmas lunch with everything we could imagine. My plate consisted of Ham, Turkey and cheesy potatoes. Not all bad considering some of the other options I had available - and I didn't go overboard on portions.

Anyway, it's now 440pm and because of a late lunch (2pm) I have not been hungry for my afternoon snack of cottage cheese. Damnit. Not only that, but one of my bosses gave me a bag of candy. One sugar cookie in the belly along with a small piece of Dove dark chocolate. I'm done. Takin this bag home to the wife!

Tonight is gym at 7, dinner at 830 and snack at 9-930.


This blog is mostly a reference for Jamee and I to journal about our Lean4Life eating habits. With the menus given to us, it should be fairly easy to just "eat what is on the menu" right? Well, as we all know, eating what you are told because it is good for you isn't always that simple. We'll post daily, sometimes every other day about cravings, discipline, progress, and pictures of results. If you read this, enjoy!